
Swiss teampreneurs at Proakatemia

In the beginning of this year, Proakatemia has welcomed two Swiss foreign exchange teampreneurs or, as we call them, “the Swiss kids”. Yann and Nicolas are from Team Academy HES-SO Valais/Wallis where they too study Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership. In this Spring semester, they will be joining team Flip to experience the team learning of Proakatemia. Let’s see how they have been feeling so far! 

Answering one of the most important questions- why exchange?; why here?- both wanted to take the opportunities given and experience something different. For Nicolas it had been a wish for a long time to visit Northern Europe and get a taste of life here, however, Yann hoped to meet new people and see how entrepreneurs take action abroad.  

Both had been very used to experiencing the more south-like interactions with people, therefore moving here brought some challenges. One of those was the small talk and random encounters with people. As Yann says: “If you don’t go to people, they won’t come to you. People here are nice, you just have to break the ice and give it some time.” Nicolas has had similar situations- especially when naming addresses, going through certain services, or at the shopping store, where you spend more time fighting the language barrier and translating all the labels than doing the actual shopping.  

When it comes to expectations from the exchange, Yann wishes to experience more learning tools and approaches, since Finland is well-known for its unique educational system. However, he supposes that this is probably a matter of time since they have only been here for about a month. Nicolas, on the other hand, cannot wait to see the northern lights. As he admitted to himself: “I thought it is something that happens everywhere here, but it turns out that we have to be patient with those.” 

Nature and culture are aspects that the “Swiss kids” are looking forward to experiencing even more. For example, ice swimming, going to Lapland, trying winter sports, or just enjoying some traditional Finnish food are a must on their bucket-list whilst here. 

Although they have only been here for a month, Nicolas and Yann both keep their minds open when it comes to envisioning their future of, perhaps, even living here. They appreciate Tampere’s ways of being a city, but not losing the touch with nature, as well as keeping everything in a close, comfortable reach. Since these guys enjoy socialising, the challenging aspect of the pandemic might also have an impact when thinking about a future here. However, they admit how much they appreciate the lifestyle people have- more balanced food, working ethics, and taking care of the well-being in general.  

Although the exchange journey in Finland had started quite slowly and stressfully- spending time arranging the accommodation or having no solid plan for the first weeks, the exchange teampreneurs have already had a few realisations and learnings here. They share that, when beginning a life in a new country, you don’t have a lot to do. You are not tied to anything. You wake up and you have nothing to do- no hobbies, no duties- it is almost strange. However, it also gives time to reflect. You can think- so what is it that I really like to do? Not just because I have been used to it or must do it because of obligations. “It creates my free time very productive since I can try new things and give possibilities a chance,” says Nicolas. “I am starting to really tap into my entrepreneurial mindset because I am not forced to do anything, but I feel that I want to- that’s why I’m searching and looking for opportunities. This opened my eyes that I actually want to be an entrepreneur and it’s not just because of the circumstances.” 

As we have seen, exchange student life can get unpredictable at times. A few things they can suggest for others coming here are to stay curious, to ask questions, and to not shy away. Stay open-minded and don’t worry about not knowing what to do- it is in those times that they have learned the most.  

After the interview with Yann and Nicolas, we also had a small pop quiz to test how much they know about Finland. I suppose that the highlight of it was them guessing that Patrik Laine is the inventor of Nokia, or that the Finnish national instrument is an electric guitar or tube. But, hey.. it is at these moments when we learn! 

Thank you, Nicolas and Yann, for getting to know you and your experience as exchange teampreneurs in Finland a bit closer. Truly hope that the semester here brings you new inspiration and amazing memories.  

Kiitos! Merci! 


Hengitä ja lepää (epä)varmuudessa

Hirveästi paljon on taas vettä virrannut Tammerkoskessa, vaikka korona tuli ja vei meidät koteihimme olemaan etäisesti yhteyksissä. Maailmalta tulvii hurjia lukuja altistumisesta, tartunnoista ja kuolemista. Lempäälässä uutiset tuntuvat kovin kaukaisilta. Pirkanmaan tartuntalukema tälle päivää oli 13 (15.11.2020 klo 14.49). 

Tauti ei meillä pahemmin näy, eikä toivottavasti tule näkymäänkään. Se, mitä korona on tuonut tullessaan, on epävarmuus. Mitään ei voi oikein suunnitella, kun ei tiedä, mitä tapahtuu. Tai jos suunnitellaan, jollain välähtää koronavilkku ja kaikki menee uusiksi, siirtyy tai peruuntuu. Melkoista on, hataraa ja hapuilua, tämä oleminen. 

Epävarmuus ajaa helposti varovaisuuteen ja eimihinkään-tilaan. Ei pysty tarttumaan mihinkään, ei pysty tekemään mitään, ei kannata aloittaa mitään… You name it. Samaan aikaan karavaani kulkee ja koronakoirat haukkuvat. Maailma ei pysähdy ja asiat etenevät – Amerikkaankin valittiin uusi presidentti, joka ei onneksi ole Trumppi. Meillä on siis toivoa.

Kuuntelin Ilona Rauhalan ja Ira Langen podcastin epävarmuudessa lepäämisestä. He käsittelivät pelkoja ja avoinna olemista osana johtajuutta ja ihmisyyttä. Keskustelu soljui asioissa, jotka estävät vuorovaikutuksen ja yhdessä kehittymisen, asioiden käsittelyn rakentavasti. Keskeinen elementti teemassa oli epävarmuudessa lepääminen. Usein keskitytään siihen, kuinka paljon siedetään epävarmuutta ja pelkoja. 

Naiset käänsivät ajattelun päälaelleen; mitä jos lepäisitkin epävarmuudessa? Tietämättömyydessä, siinä ettei ratkaisuja vielä ole, ihmisenä olemisen vaikeudessa tai helppoudessa? Ei tarvitse sietää ja pinnistellä, kun voi levätä tilassa, jossa mikään ei ole varmaa ja kaikki on mahdollista. Ulkoiset haasteet ovat helpommin hallittavissa, kun sisällä on lepotila. Ja tiedätkö; innostus voi syntyä, kun uskallat olla epävarmuudessa. 

Sisäinen lepotila epävarmuuden keskellä antaa meille mahdollisuuden olla läsnä ja kohdata toinen ihminen. Rauhala ja Lange tiivistävät ajatuksen niin, että kohtaamalla toisen avoimesti voimme rakentaa kyvykkyyttä toisissa ihmisissä. Innostua. Ja levätä hetkessä, epävarmassakin sellaisessa – oli se tovi tiimin kanssa pajassa, viikkopalaverissa tai kumppanin kanssa keittiön pöydän ääressä.

Miten sitten levätä epävarmuudessa tai edes tässä hetkessä? Moni meistä hengittää pinnallisesti, mikä heikentää läsnäoloa automaattisesti. Pintahengityksen sijaan syvä, tietoinen hengitys auttaa paikantamaan paitsi ajatukset, myös oman olemisensa, juuri tähän hetkeen (Lintukangas 2020). Hengittämällä avaat itsesi olemaan avoin ja läsnä tilanteessa, jossa pelot saattavat kuikuilla olkapään yli ja luoda epävarmuutta. Anna niiden olla ja hengitä. Lepää epävarmuudessa ja pelkojen keskellä, niin me muutkin teemme. Kyllä tämä tästä.

Kirjoittanut: Tanja (Tirri) Verho

Kuva: Konsta Linkola


Valmistun tradenomiksi, jonka ammattina on virtuaalifasilitointi – eli mikä?!

Olen virtuaalifasilitaattori, mutta mitä se siis käytännössä tarkoittaa?

Virtuaalifasilitointi on virtuaalisesti eli etänä tapahtuvaa fasilitointia. Perinteinen fasilitointi on ryhmätyöskentelyn suunnittelua, organisointia ja johtamista työskentelyn tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Tällainen fasilitoitava etäryhmätyöskentely voi olla esimerkiksi työpaja, kokous, asiakasraati, koulutus tai luento.

Virtuaalifasilitoinnin ydintä on suunnitella etänä tapahtuva ryhmätyöskentely sellaiseksi, että osallistuminen ja yhdessä työskentely on kaikille mukana oleville helppoa ja miellyttävää – samalla tilaisuuden tavoitteet saavuttaen.

Yksinkertainen esimerkki virtuaalifasilitoinnista on etäluennon virtuaalifasilitointi – se voisi esimerkiksi pääpiirteittäin olla seuraavanlaista:

  1. Kerron opiskelijoille etukäteen, että tällä kertaa ei ollakaan luokkahuoneessa, vaan luento onkin Zoomissa.
  2. Annan opiskelijoille tarkan ohjeistuksen, kuinka osallistuminen Zoomissa omalta tietokoneelta tapahtuu.
  3.  Kutsun ja teknisen ohjeistuksen yhteydessä kerron myös siitä, minkälaista läsnäoloa osallistujilta odotetaan. Esimerkiksi “Luennon ensimmäinen tunti on lähinnä kuuntelua, joten aamupalan syöminen samalla onnistuu, mutta luennon toinen tunti sisältää keskustelevaa ryhmätyöskentelyä, jolloin pidetään mikit & kamerat auki ja tehdään tehtäviä yhdessä.”
  4. Avaan Zoomissa tilaisuuden vartin ennen luennon alkua, jotta opiskelijat ehtivät vielä testailla, että oman tietokoneen tekniikka toimii Zoomissa.
  5. Luento alkaa reippaalla aloituksellani Zoomissa sovittuna kellonaikana.
  6. Luennon aluksi kerron päivän aiheen ja mitä tänään on tavoitteena oppia.
  7. Kysyn tämän jälkeen, onko luennon aiheeseen liittyviä toiveita tai odotuksia, ja pyydän kertomaan näistä chat-viestillä yhteisessä Zoomin chatissä.
  8. Luennon aikana jaan opiskelijat välillä pienryhmiin(=breakout rooms) hetkeksi tekemään yhdessä tehtäviä oman pienen ryhmän kanssa.
  9. Tehtäviä varten jaan chatin kautta jokaiselle ryhmälle linkin omaan valkotauluun, jossa pienryhmätyöskentely tapahtuu. Olen etukäteen tehnyt ryhmille nämä omat valkotaulut ja kirjoittanut valkotauluihin valmiiksi tehtävänannon, jotta luennon aikana voin vain nopeasti kopioi-liitä -klikkauksilla jakaa linkit.
  10. Luennon aikana käytän myös koko ryhmän yhteistä valkotaulua, johon pyydän jokaista kirjoittamaan jotain, mitä uutta on luennon aikana oivaltanut. Tämän jälkeen pyydän jokaista lukemaan Flingan taululta muiden oivallukset ja tykkäämään kaikista oivalluksista omasta mielestään parasta.
  11. Luennon päätteeksi pyydän palautetta Mentimeterin avulla. Mentimeterin kanssa saan palautteen kerättyä ja jaettua osallistujille muutamassa minuutissa ja voin palautteen avulla kehittyä yhä paremmaksi etätilaisuuksien fasilitoinnissa.

Lue lisää virtuaalifasilitoinnista ja käytännön vinkeistä nettisivuiltani www.virtuaalifasilitointi.fi

Proakatemia on TAMKin yrittäjyyden yksikkö, jossa luodaan parempaa maailmaa tiimiyrittäjyyden tarjoamilla keinoilla. Hae Proakatemialle täällä!

Teksti: Maria Eskola



Goals for the international team


We have exciting news for everyone.

The team of international relations has set three general goals.

Our goals are:

  1. Our working language will be English from now on
  2. To become a team through commitment
  3. To carry out two international projects by the end of February 2019

The Head of International Relations, Joonatan Halonen already shared our goals in November’s Projektori. We feel that in order to achieve our goals, it is important to communicate and talk about them openly.

Through this fall, our team has been struggling to find time together as a team. On the other hand, I see it as a positive problem, since it means that everyone has had their hands full with different projects. Then again, in order for the team to function, the members need to prioritise some time for it.

After discussing about these challenges together, we understood that we need to commit more time for the team in order to achieve something great together. As we all know, commitment is an important part in teamwork. Commitment helps us in reaching our goals. For us it means, that everyone in the team participates the weekly meetings, hosts the international guests visiting Proakatemia and follows our team’s shared instructions.

We came up with the idea, that since we are the team of international relations, it would be practical for us to communicate in English every time we get together. This way everyone is able to practice their language skills, which makes the international encounters with our guests and clients smoother and more comfortable.

Our main goal is to execute at least two international projects together during next spring. This is something that we all are very excited about. Through the projects we will learn for instance about educational export and get international connections for the team. In addition, we want to promote Proakatemia and our learning methodology around the world.

These three goals have already had a positive effect in our team’s atmosphere. All of our team members feel that they already are more committed to the team and can’t wait to work on our projects. 2019 is going to be in many ways “an exciting year”.


“I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” – Michael Phelps


Best regards,








The quote is from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/287870 ”50”50 Inspirational Quotes to Help You Achieve Your Goals”


Greetings from the team of International Relations

Greetings from the team of International Relations,

We have decided to publish blog posts once a month about the guests that our team has hosted. We believe that it would be interesting for all of you to read, what our team has been up to every month. In our teams first blog post, Joonatan wrote a little bit about the guests we hosted in September at Proakatemia. (You can read the blogpost here: International teams first blogpost)

In this blog post we will tell you about the guests that our team has hosted in October.

In December we will write about the guests that we are hosting this month and so on.

Also, in these blog posts we are going to let you know, what we think was “the highlight of the month” regarding the visits.


In October we had the pleasure to host seven teachers from South Korea.

We showed the guests our presentation about our studies here in Proakatemia, discussed a lot about books and all the other tools of learning that we have.

In October our highlight was the amazing gift that we received from our South Korean guests.

We received this beautiful business card holder!

We began using the business card holder immediately and stored all the business cards our team has received into it.

n November we are hosting guests for example from Lithuania and the Netherlands. We will tell you about the visits more in next month’s post!


Best regards,


International team’s first blogpost

Moro! (Hello!) from Proakatemia,

my name is Anna Vikman and I am a member in this year’s team of International Relations.

This is our teams first blogpost. I will be introducing our team and later Joonatan, the head of International Relations will tell you a little bit about himself and what he has been up to from the beginning of this fall.

In Proakatemia we have three teams: Marketing & Communications, International Relations and Data. These teams consist of teampreneurs from the eight companies we have here in Proakatemia at the moment.

This year 2018-2019 there are 10 members in our team of International Relations.

Our Head of International Relations is Evianna Sipilä. She is a teampreneur in a company called Kajo. Since Evianna is in the Netherlands right now on her Erasmus exchange, Joonatan Halonen from the company called Promisia is covering for her.

Our team has also other teampreneurs from Promisia. These members are Lassi Seppä, Noora-Emilia Hassinen and Juuso Hakala. Promisia and Hurma are the most recent companies that have been established here in Proakatemia. The companies were founded in January 2018.

From Hurma our team has three members: Petteri Kiuru, Janne “Sipri” Pussinen and Sanna Tahlo.

Last but not least our team has one member, Annamari Aalto from a company called Value. I myself am a teampreneur in the same company as Evianna, the company called Kajo. Both Kajo and Value were founded last fall of 2017. So, all together the team of International Relations has teampreneurs from four different companies.

I am very excited to be a part of this team and I can’t wait to see what this year has instored for us!

Next, I will let Joonatan tell you more!



My name is Joonatan Halonen and I’m the Head of International Relations of Proakatemia. Together with the team of international relations we host all the guests that comes to visit our school and now we’re starting to really go in to the international business scenery.

My journey as the head of international relations started when Evianna Sipilä travelled to the Netherlands to participate in an erasmus program. I’ve adjusted well to my new role and I’m actually enjoying it a lot. I get to meet new people from all over the world and I’ve already gotten a couple chances to work abroad.

In September we had quite a few quests here in Proakatemia. We had a group of about twenty people from Brazil. We also had guests from the UK, Italy, Gaza, USA, India and Peru counting up to 30 guests plus the brazilians. Meeting all these wonderful people is a great privilege. We get to grow our network of contacts to all over the world.


Best regards, Anna and Joonatan

Intro to the nebulous world of startups

Startup culture has been under the spotlight for years. Famous success stories like Spotify, Uber and Wolt are mentioned in conversations time and time again. Each created something new that changed the way we live our everyday life.  The atmosphere is all about hustle, pivoting, and market innovation. The ecosystem has grown around finding problems, creating approaches and polishing solutions. Kutsuvat sitä pöhinäksi, written by a bunch of Finnish growth company founders, was a booked written about the efforts and endeavors that go into startup culture.

A lot of talk, but it’s difficult to understand any of it – unless you already have experienced it yourself. In Proakatemia we run companies, but they are only the first steps to the world of startups. I had the urge to understand, so I went to Portugal, to the European Innovation Academy, for a 3 week accelerator program to dive in headfirst.

Eric Ries has described a startup as a human institution designed to create something new under conditions of extreme uncertainty. And that it is.

The EIA program is tight: from nothing on day 1 to validating, marketing and planning, gathering your 1000 first customers, finishing up with pitching your problem, your solution and your vision to the investors on day 15. There is no one to tell you if your vision and plan is real. Your team will be the cornerstone that you base your trust in. You believe in the way your vision will change the world and in your capability to make that into reality. You need to promise things you don’t have certainty about. You need to fight, challenge and compromise. You need to research, talk, ask & listen. The goals are high and you need to use everything within yourself and your skillset. Because anything less might not be enough.

The startup world is not as simple as it seems. Every 3 seconds, a new startup is founded somewhere in the world. And every year 90% of them fail before their first birthday. We’ve had some amazing mentors from the European Innovation Academy that have built successful businesses around the world from the ground up.

The nebulous nature of the startup world connected our team – from 4 different countries and 2 continents. Incput was born from our experience with own established companies, and the desire to help entrepreneurs build their own; A platform for startup founders to make the right decisions at the right time, while avoiding the mistakes that previous entrepreneurs have learned from.  A strategic timeline that provides you the tools and resources to grow your idea from startup mess to startup success.

We want to help build ideas into reality.

Become a part of the startup evolution, follow us at www.incput.com and come to Proakatemia!

International, sustainable, much fun

Summer Camp is a week long event that brings team entrepreneurs from different countries and universities together. Last year we arranged the first Summer Camp at Tampere Proakatemia. We had team entrepreneurs from Bristol and Falmouth. We showed them around Tampere and we also worked in international teams to work on a challenge that Suomen Lasinjalostus Oy had prepared for us.

This year, on June 2016, 10 Proakatemia team entrepreneurs traveled to Bristol. In this year’s Summer Camp there was also team entrepreneurs from Amsterdam. Theme of the whole week was sustainability because Bristol was European Green Capital 2015. On the first day we had presentations about our own countries, team academies and projects that we are doing. It was nice to see what other team entrepreneurs do and what their academies are like.

SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia (7)

After that we were divided to international teams of 5-6 people and we got to know each other better. We had a treasure hunt where we got to visit beautiful places around the city of Bristol. One task was to create a name for our teams. Our team came up with a name T-Mate: The Most Awesome Team Ever.

SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia (4)  SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia (3)

Bristol Suspension Bridge and Hamilton House with T-Mate: The Most Awesome Team Ever

On the second day we visited many inspiring companies and listened to people tell about their innovations. Every company was somehow connected to sustainability and making the world a better place. In the evening we were given our assignment for the week by LitterARTi. The challenge was to create a project for LitterARTi to launch in the space under the M32 underpass which can provide an income stream to benefit and support the residents of lower Eastville.

SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia (8)

SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia (1) SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia (2)

Visiting at Bristol Wood Project and City Farm

Next day we started working on the challenge with the groups we were given on Monday. It was interesting to see how our working styles differed based on the cultural background we came from. Nonetheless we got our team working beautifully together using everyone’s strengths and abilities. We had couple workshops during the day. First one was about the global goals for sustainable development and the second one was laughing yoga. At the end of the day our team had our main idea decided for the challenge and we were ready for the evening.

SummerCamp SummerCamp1

In the morning we gathered and started to work on our idea to make it more clear and to put in on paper. We were just in time ready with the presentation when we had to stop working and start moving to the next activity which was a lovely boat tour. In the evening we had amazing dinner at Cosmo restaurant. It was a buffet that had every piece of food that you can think about.

Our last day started with the presentations to the challenge judges. Every team had come up with different amazing ideas and all the presentations were inspiring. We Finns have a lot to learn from international style of performing your ideas. Judges took their time to decide which they would choose to be the winner. Competition was tight but in the end we were the winning team with our hydroponic garden, hen house and cafe solution.

SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia Finland

10 team entrepreneurs and two coaches from Finland joined Summer Camp this year.

After saying goodbyes to everyone we headed home with a lot of great memories. Big thank you to Bristol team entrepreneurs for arranging amazing Summer Camp this year! We hope next year’s Summer Camp will be in Amsterdam. See you there!

SummerCamp2016 Bristol Proakatemia (5)


Meeri Kangasmäki,

Noste 360
